Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
Plumas USD/COE
This site allows you to register a new student for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected.
You will need to use an email address that you can check to confirm your email to complete this process.
- If you do not see the activate email check spam for an email from Registration@pcoe.k12.ca.us
- Please be sure to remember the password you use to create the account on the next page. It is an account for this site.
- If you have forgotten your password please reset it. Our support staff cannot access or reset your password. we can only delete your account so that you can recreate it
**The AIR Portal is for new students only**
If your student attended a PCOE or PUSD school last year do not use this.
Please use the Parent Portal to confirm your data to re-register ongoing enrollment.
If you do not have a parent portal account please contact your local school and give them your current email address.
- To get started registering a new student click the register a new student button below.
- If you would like to review or complete a registration in progress click the Login button below.